I love the FALL, it's my favorite time of the year. Fall reminds me of so many things like: red apples, caramel apples, walking through crunchy leaves, peaches, corn on the cob, squash, huge pumpkins growing in gardens, crisp cool air, bright blue skies, football games-from sitting in the heat to being bundled up with coats and gloves, a new school year, new school clothes, new sweaters, caramel popcorn balls, drives up to the canyon to see the colorful leaves, the smell of logs burning in stoves or fireplaces, the deer hunt (especially my very first one), warm days and cool nights, driving down roads with the leaves falling all around, the beauty and color of the mountains and neighborhoods, a different feeling from the sun, the way the sun almost shines a different color on the world, not bright but dimmed a little bit. Crazy, I know. I don't know why I love the Fall, maybe because it's just a feel good time of year. Do you love the fall? Why or why not.
i have a love/hate relationship with the fall. i love the fall colors, but i hate everything dying. i love going back to school, but i hate going back to school.
but one thing i can say i love without reservation is the fall food, especially your pumpkin pies!
I LOVE Fall! It's definitely my favorite season, at least the first half of it. It cools down so it's not hot anymore but (hopefully) it hasn't gotten cold yet. I love jackets and long sleeves and warm blankets and hot chocolate and Halloween and pumpkins and Thanksgiving. I love fires and the smell of crispness in the air and the pretty leave colors.
I don't like how the day gets shorter every day and it gets darker and colder. It makes me remember that winter is not so far away. (And I hate winter.)
I love the fall also. I think both the spring and fall are filled with wonderful holidays and a change in the great outdoors. I love the change of colors and also love the new-ness of the spring.So I would have to say it is a tie.
Oh gosh, please PLEASE send some fall time my way. Everyone around here is complaining that it still feels like summer, and no one is in the mood to break out the fall decorations, and everyone is dying to wear their comfy sweater. But then we will just expire on the spot anyways from pure heat exhaustion.
This is one of the MAIN reasons I am looking forward to my family vacation to Utah soon. For all the things you described about fall.
I love fall time, it is my favorite season ever, and love that it is followed by Thanksgiving. I love the smell of the leaves on the ground, the smell of the soil when it is getting colder and wetter. The crispness, the apple cinnamon candles and pies, hot chocolate. I love to celebrate Halloween during the falltime, and a great excuse to gorge on chocolate candy. The drying cornstalks, all the cornucopia blend of colors. Fall time meant that playing outside during the daytime was a perfect time to play football, watch a football game etc, without getting hot. An excuse to wear pretty sweaters and other accessories in the evening. An excuse to darken up the lipstick and glamour up the eyes, to go to the fall time dances in my youth such as Homecoming dances, Sadie Hawkins, to look cute and get away with wearing flannel.
I am esp excited for my chance to photograph fall time on my own!
Yeah, fall would have to be one of my favorite times of the year. The colors are so beautiful and the decorations are so fun. Thanksgiving, halloween, all so much fun.
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