I love the FALL, it's my favorite time of the year. Fall reminds me of so many things like: red apples, caramel apples, walking through crunchy leaves, peaches, corn on the cob, squash, huge pumpkins growing in gardens, crisp cool air, bright blue skies, football games-from sitting in the heat to being bundled up with coats and gloves, a new school year, new school clothes, new sweaters, caramel popcorn balls, drives up to the canyon to see the colorful leaves, the smell of logs burning in stoves or fireplaces, the deer hunt (especially my very first one), warm days and cool nights, driving down roads with the leaves falling all around, the beauty and color of the mountains and neighborhoods, a different feeling from the sun, the way the sun almost shines a different color on the world, not bright but dimmed a little bit. Crazy, I know. I don't know why I love the Fall, maybe because it's just a feel good time of year. Do you love the fall? Why or why not.