Dad and I had a great time in sunny Arizona for Seth's birthday and his special ordination to a Deacon. Our visit was a short one, but a great one. We arrived in Arizona on Saturday morning/afternoon and took off to a restaurant for lunch. A family tradition with Heather's family. Whether Heather comes home to Utah or we go to AZ, we visit a restaurant for lunch or dinner. We chose to go to Chili's for lunch. Cade said that he didn't like it there. He asked if they served pancakes there. No. No pancakes Cade. What's funny though is that Cade cleaned his plate. After lunch we went to Heather's home to relax a bit before we went to Cade's baseball game. When we arrived, the kids followed Dad and I everywhere we went. We loved it! The weather was really nice, a bit warm, but nice for the game. Cade had two hits during his game. He's a great player. Sunday was Seth's big day. I made him his own special breakfast of french toast, hash browns, and scrambled eggs. Everyone else had cold cereal. Then we went to church. It's so nice that their church is just minutes away, before they got their new church building, it took over twenty minutes to drive to church. My are we spoiled, I've never been less than five minutes away from any of my ward buildings. It was such an honor to raise our hands to sustain Seth to be ordained a deacon during Sacrament meeting. After church was Seth's ordination by Ryan, at first in the prayer Ryan said,' Elder' instead of 'Deacon.' I had to smile to myself. He gave a beautiful blessing. Heather and I prepared the food for the BBQ that we were having later in the day with Ryan's family. Before everyone showed up Dad and I gave Seth and Matthew their presents for their birthdays. Heather decided to celebrate Matthew's birthday too because we were there. Seth was surprised at his gift, I think that he liked it. We gave Matthew a singing card, he went crazy with it. The card was a lot of fun. Everything was 'sweeeet' according to Matthew. He got tons of action figures from everyone for his birthday. He considered that he was five since we celebrated his birthday. We had a great time visiting with everyone. It was great seeing our niece, JoLynn, when we visit, and all of her children. Monday morning all the boys took the motor bikes out to ride. The girls stayed home and did girlie things. I painted Leah's toes and fingers, braided her hair, and we put make-up on together. Oh, what a pretty girl! When the boys got home from riding we got ready to go out for lunch. We went to another family favorite, "Hometown Buffet." Hey, you can get what you want! Then off to the mall to shop or whatever, mostly just killing time till we needed to go to the airport. Dad had forgot to bring his cell phone with him so we had to really be careful not to get so separated from each other at the mall. Dad got Seth and Cade cool survival kits for scouts. I think that they will really like them. We were dropped off at the airport at 4:30 p.m. It was hard to say goodbye. It seemed like we just got there, and in reality we did. I find it really hard to say good-bye to Heather. With not being able to really communicate with each other, I miss being able to talk with her, and I miss her face, but I am so thankful for Skype. What a wonderful invention, especially for me and Heather. See you in the computer Heather, :) Till our next visit together.
Love the new blog look. Sounds like you had a great time in AZ. Sure love you!
man, those kids are lucky to have grandparents like you! grandma & grandpa are coming, time for fun, food & presents! i said it before & i'll say it again (cuz it's true) i can't wait til i have kids so they can have you as granparents! (and a few other reasons too. ;))
I read this, Mom. Hope you enjoyed your trip. :)I would be jealous but I'm going on vacation next week.
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