I appreciated the comments from my family about Alan and I starting a blog. Alan and I will be sharing this blog. He will be writing from his point of view on things, and I from my own point of view. I wanted to write about how Alan and I met, and like Tracie--Our story.. So let's begin...
Part One..
Let's begin with my first day of school at Orem High. First of all, I was nervous... Why was I nervous, you may ask? Here's why...
1--There were going to be new students from Orem Jr. High-- I was from old Lincoln Jr. High. (which originally was a High School, which is the school that my grandfather and father went to for High School) So new students from a Jr. High, then of course, the Juniors and Seniors and not knowing hardly anyone, make you feel lonely.
2--What I was wearing--I was wearing a plaid tan and rust jumper with a rust blouse under. It was homemade by my sweet mother. Now don't get me wrong, mom was a beautiful seamstress. But....all the other girls were wearing Villager skirts, oxford shirts in pastel colors, white knee hi's, and mahogany penny loafers with new shiny pennies in them. Now if you were dressed like that you came from money. All the rich girls dressed like that, or they wore store bought mini-dresses that had white collars. All the dresses were above the knee about 3-4 inches, some even higher. All my dresses and skirts were to the middle of my knee, by order of father. Now I liked wearing skirts because when you got to school you could roll the bands of the skirts up and shorten your skirt. Then you just had to roll them down when you got home. Dad never caught on to that one, thank goodness. I wore dresses and skirts to school everyday (except the last 6 months of my Senior year) and what you wore really mattered whether you were accepted by the other students or not. So I was nervous about what I was wearing my first day.
3--I was shy-- I hardly talked to anyone. Almost everyone from my Jr. High knew that I had a strict father, so even the boys steered clear of me. Very few people talked to me, but I didn't like a lot of attention on me either. I never raised my hand in any classroom my whole high school career. Too scared that I would say something wrong and that people would laugh at me.
4--I wore glasses-- I hated wearing glasses. Still do! Thank goodness horned rimmed glasses aren't still the fad. I was called "Four Eyes" until I finished high school. Many times I tried to do my school work without glasses. Boys didn't like girls who wore glasses. And my glasses were ugly.
So the first day of school--I wore my long homemade dress, and my ugly glasses, but I did have the white knee-hi's. I was your classic NERD! The only thing that was all right about my appearance was my mom allowed me to wear make-up --mascara, eyeliner, and vaseline on the lips. Everyone was checking each other out. The new sophomores checking out the sophomores from Orem Jr. The girls were also checking out the Jr. and Sr. boys. The Jr. and Sr. boys paid no attention to the sophomore girls. It was not COOL to be interested in a underclassman. There were a few exceptions of course. Fifth period came....Now, I had been doing what every other girl was doing...checking out the CUTE boys in all my classes, and fifth period was no exception. I was sitting with 2 other girls, JoLeen Flandro, and Cozette Ward from Lincoln Jr. High. We were sitting in a row together. I was looking around the room when to my left I spotted HIM a few rows over and back. He had the cutest smile, twinkling brown eyes, was tan, and sooooo cute! He was wearing a striped cream and brown T-shirt, Levi's, and of course penny loafers with shiny pennies. I was immediately taken. I tapped JoLene in front of me and told her to check out the cute boy in the back with the striped cream and brown shirt T-shirt. Her mouth fell open...She tapped Cozette in front of her and told her to check the boy in the back of the room. All three of us were stealing glances at him through the whole class period. Of course he knew that he was being watched, what boy wouldn't notice girls stealing glances at them. He just kept smiling that flirty smile the whole time. I can hardly remember what the class had been about. I do recall we had to do some speed reading in the class. So now the challenge was on between the three of us. Who would win? Who would approach him first? Stay tuned for part 2.
I hope this story is about Alan! ;)
Very cute, can't wait to read more!
I just loved this so much! I got to peek into the mind of my mother in junior high.
First day at junior high: I wore a lavender purple dress with a lace collar and three buttons made by my sweet mother..
with white knee highs, and tan slip on shoes.
All the other girls had Levi mini skirts, crisp white shirts and Levi jackets, huge colorful cinched belts, and with all the accessories and such.
And all the other stuff you wrote was also me in jr high. But the cute boy I was checking out was named Mike.
This was actually my first day as a sophomore in high school. Not Jr. High. That's a whole other story:) I can remember a few things yet about us so many years ago. It's funny how you remember things that really don't seem to have any consequence.
I cannot believe that you and Heather remember what you were wearing. I have no idea what I wore my first day other than the fact I was wearing jeans of some sort.
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