Sunday, April 27, 2008

Stolen Identity

Well, it happened! I got robbed!  Yes, my purse was stolen when I went to the movies.  Dad and I decided to go the the late movie on Saturday night at the University Mall.  We were watching "Vantage Point".  We sat on the second to the last row.  The back row had a larger space between the last to rows because they had changed the back row seats.  I walked in and got our seats while Dad was getting the popcorn.  I noticed an older gentleman seating on the back row all by himself, and thinking to myself that it was odd that he was alone.  During the movie he took my purse that was on the floor next to me by pulling the purse from behind.  Not only did he take my purse but he took another ladies purse that sat three seats away from me.  During the movie Dad and I noticed that he left the movie quickly, we brushed it off, then we went back to watching the movie.  A little bit later I reached down to get my purse and couldn't find it.  I thought to myself, did I bring it?  Yes, I remember saving the seat next to me with my purse, while Dad was getting the refreshments.  When I started searching for my purse, the lady next to me noticed me searching for my purse so she went to get her purse.  I went out into the lobby and the lady came out too.  She asked me if my purse was gone and mentioned that hers was gone.  We reported it to the manager, who then immediately called the police.  
I feel violated, mad, angry at myself, and ready to punch that guy out! How dare he steal from me!  He took all my credit cards, my check books to two accounts, my drivers license, my social security card, my prescription glasses, my recommend, my keys to our cars and house, basically my life.  
So after speaking to the police and giving him the information he needed, Dad and I went home to call all the numbers to report stolen cards.  Then we took off to Walmart for new locks on the doors and theft protection for our cars.  You never know what he will do.  He has our address and keys to our cars and house, he could just help himself to our property. 
What have I learned from this experience?  First, listen to my gut.  I thought to myself when I first sat down, to put my purse on the arm of my seat like I usually do.  Second, don't carry so much in your purse, only the absolute necessary things. Third, never trust anyone you don't know.  Fourth, don't put your purse on the floor of the movie theater.  Well, it's 3 a.m.  and Dad is still taking care of protecting our house and cars.  I'm waiting up with him, so I decided to write on our blog to vent off some steam.  What will I do if I ever run into the scumbag?  Don't ask right now, I'm too spitting mad!


Jen said...

Kris, my card number and id on the back of it got stolen only thing is it was still in my hands. I know it may seem a bit over the top but you really need to call and get a protection on your SSN and your credit. Call them and they can make it so they have to call you if anything happens with it. I will look it up and e-mail it to you. I am so sorry it happened. It took me a while to get over it and it still haunts me and that was only one card I can't imagine my whole purse.

Tracie said...

I know how upset and angry you feel. I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. I'm glad that Dad and you worked so quickly to take care of things. That should make a difference. I'm sure everything will work out eventually. Until then, feel free to work out your anger and frustration and know that the family loves you. :)

Troy said...

There is one thing that gets me going over anything else: people that steal! I cannot stand people that steal. I am sorry this happened to you, Mom. Hopefully nothing bad will come of it. And now you will be more cautious in the future. I know Jen's experience has helped us be more cautious of things.

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Just wanted to let you know Mom, that you have my support and prayers.

(Mom and I already skyped a few days ago about what has happened)