In January I was still in young women's. I had a feeling that a big change was coming, like a release. I wasn't ready for that. I loved being with the young women, still do. It was in this month that we had our big Cultural Arts production with the stake. Preparations had begun in the summer, and nothing had been done to prepare our ward. I had become the leader in charge in November, by default I might add, going to all of the pre-planning meetings. With a lot of work we (the yw leaders) pulled it off. Our ward did a simple production which turned out to be the perfect one. We performed on Saturday the 26th and our short program focused on President Hinckley. The next day the prophet passed away. Our whole ym/yw group felt that it was inspired for us to present our short program. We were so happy that we had planned our program on the six "B's" President Hinckley taught us. I miss President Hinckley. He was a prophet that I really connected to. I'll miss his guidance and counsel, his smile, his sense of humor. President Monson has begun to fill that void. We, as members of the church, and people of the world, are so blessed to be directed by the Lord through his prophets.
I was released from my young women's calling. It was probably one the hardest releases that I've ever had to go through, plus I didn't receive a new calling at the time of the release, which had never happened before. I felt like a fish out of water. Being in young women's you are constantly busy, and now I had nothing. I had to be patient. On the 27th of February Dad and I flew out to California to visit with Troy and Jen and their family. We flew into Burbank, CA , and were surprised that the airport was so small, and very different than any other airport that we had been to. You collect your baggage outside, and then walk a short distance to get your rental car. Dad and I had decided to take a day or two for just ourselves before we headed to Madera to Troy and Jen's. We stayed at a beach resort called, "Avila Lighthouse," which was romantic, and peaceful. In the morning and evening we would walk the beach and pier. We collected sea shells on the seashore and watched on the pier for sharks, which was known for shark attacks. On the morning before we left, we were watching a board surfer from the pier and thought that he was awfully brave to be out in the water; couldn't pay me to go in the water. The next morning we left for Troy and Jen's. We had a great time visiting with Troy and Jen and the kids. We watched Maddie swim at her swim practice and were amazed at how well she swam. We celebrated Maddie and Eric's birthday's and took them shopping for their presents. We visited the zoo. While we were at the zoo poor Eric was stung by a bee. Dang that bee. Also, while we were at the zoo, Dad received a call from Grandpa McNeil telling us Great Grandma McNeil was in the hospital and wasn't expected to live much longer. It was hard for Dad to not be home, he wanted to be able to say goodbye to Grandma. On our way home from CA Dad received the call that she had passed.

Great Grandma McNeil passed away on March 4th 2008. As we were traveling home, we called all the kids to tell them of grandma's passing. Heather said that she was coming home for the funeral. The funeral was held on Saturday, March 8th. The funeral was a wonderful service. I heard things about Grandma that I had never heard before. Grandma was very talented, she was a hard worker, a great cook, and could make anything. She painted, she crocheted, she gardened, plus so many other things, she was a wonderful lady, and a special grandmother. During Heather's visit she was able to see relatives that she hadn't seen in a long time at the luncheon. That same afternoon we had a baby shower for Noni's daughter Ashley. It was a day to be with relatives. Our day went went full circle: a birth, and a death. Life goes on.

Taylor's spring break came in April. We decided that we would go to St. George for the break. St. George has always been the place to go to for a get-a-way for our family. Trent and Jessica had a free weekend in Vegas so they planned to go to Las Vegas for the weekend. It worked out that we would meet up with them in Las Vegas at the end of the week. Dad, Taylor and I spent some time in St. George doing what we always do, Snow Canyon. We love to hike on the red rocks of the canyon. Taylor and Dad decided to climb to the top of this mountain and convinced me that I could do it too. With their pushing, prodding, and pulling I was able to get to the top and view the spectacular scene. It was exhilarating to be at the top of the mountain. The gentle breeze blew in our faces as we stood on the mountaintop , and the scenic vista- you could see forever the beauty of the canyon. Now get to down- scary. We met Trent and Jessica in Vegas and decided to stay in the same hotel, the Tropicana. We planned to go to a show together, "Stomp Out Loud". It was an awesome show which the performers used all kinds of odd instruments to make music. We also went to the "Body" show. It was unbelievable to see what the human body looked like underneath and inside. Jess and I went to the "Titantic" show held at the Tropicana. It was very interesting seeing things that were recovered from the ocean deep, and learning more about the tragedy. We had a great time with Trent and Jess. Taylor even got almost "picked up" by a scary girl asking him if hewanted to go to her room for a party, but he set her straight, "I'm only 15 years old", he quickly told her. I finally received a calling. I was called to serve on two committees, one on the home-family-enrichment committee and the other on the ward activities committee. Plus, I am still having the sisters come to my home once a month for scrap/family history class. The only thing I found hard about being on two committees was the activities always came at the same time, making me terribly busy.
Dad had made a promise to Seth that when he turned 12, that he would travel to Tucson to be there for his ordination to a deacon. We left on the 17th of May and flew down because this was going to be a fast trip. Seth's birthday was on a Sunday the 18th. It was a great privilege to be there when Seth was ordained and to be there for his birthday. Our oldest grandchild taking such an important step in his life.

In May of 2007 Dad and I went with the Cottle's to see the church history sites in Palmyra, New York, and in Kirtland, Ohio. When we were there, Dad had mentioned to me that he felt he needed to bring Taylor back to the sites next spring. So that is what he planned for, to make sure that he followed his feelings and take Taylor to the sites. Dad and Taylor left for New York on June 2nd, just a few days after school had gotten out. They were to be gone for 8 days. It was while they were gone that I had planned to do some things around the house to surprise Alan. When he would call I would say that I was just hanging out and just being lazy. In reality I was working my tail-end off. I painted the wall in the living room all they way down the hall and including the hall cupboards. I brought the piano into the family room that had been sitting in the garage for who knew how long. I rearranged our bedroom and cleaned it all up. I had Tyler come over and hang things on the walls for me, and fix things that needed fixing. I put new hardware on the cupboard doors and drawers in the bathrooms. And then I super cleaned the whole house. It took me all week. I was so excited to surprise Alan. While I was doing all those things in the house, Alan and Taylor were having a wonderful father/son time on their trip. They went to the Sacred Grove, Hill Cumorah, Niagra Falls, the Kirtland Temple in Ohio, the Newell K. Whitney Store, and all the church sites surrounding the temple. They also visited cool places like the first home of "Jello", and the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" in Ohio. Taylor learned a lot about church history that he never knew. He had some spiritual moments that he will probably never forget. Alan said that he felt the trip was something that he needed to have with Taylor. He also said that he just wished that he would have had the ability to have the same experiences with his older children. I was pleased that Alan and Taylor had that special time together. Alan and Taylor got home on the 9th of June and on the 11th, Taylor's birthday, Dad left for Scout Camp for four days. What a busy month.

For the month of June, July and August Taylor was busy with football practices. Taylor couldn't get his license until the end of the month so that meant me taking him to all of his practices, plus summer school and work. Most of my summer was hauling Taylor around to practice and school. Taylor went to football pad camp to Coach Steele's cabin in Idaho for a week, yeah, a week off of chauffeuring. Also, I hosted a baby shower for Trent and Jess' baby, which was going to be a girl. Whoowho!! I had been working on some blankets and burp cloths ever since I found out what they were having. I also crocheted a white afghan for Lily's blessing. I couldn't wait for the shower to come so that I could give Jessica the things that I had made for the baby. Jess and Lily received a ton of stuff from the shower, making it hard to wait for the baby to come to use all the stuff. Waiting for Lily to come was hard, but I know that it was even harder for Trent and Jess. At the end of the month, on the 30th of July, Taylor finally got his driver's license. Yeah!! I was excited and so was he.
Coming soon...the rest of 2008!